2月7日釋出的這首宣傳單曲Yikes是在婊她的前男友Meek Mill,他們兩個前一陣子一直在推特互嗆,還在逛街時吵起來:
Meek Mill還常常跑去看Nicki的哀居,發現自己被封鎖了後還在推特上抱怨,Nicki希望他move on過過自己的人生好嗎,並且把他比做小丑🤡
Lyrics / 歌詞
Don't ever fucking play with me / 不要跟我玩玩
Y'all niggas know, y'all bitches know I'm the fucking queen / 你們這些傢伙,你們這些婊子知道我是他媽的女王
You hoe bitches know, you dirty bum bitches know / 你們這些婊子知道,你們這些骯髒屁股的婊子知道
Grrrrrrr ahhhhhhh!
Drop the strings on 'em / 放個和弦給他們聽聽
Woke up, the price of coke up / 醒來,快克的價格上漲了
I just hit him with the low cut, then called my folks up / 我穿著低胸遇到他,然後我烙我的人過來
Somebody 'bout to get poked up, go call a tow truck / 有人要被捅破了,去叫一輛卡車來拖吊
All that talking outcha neck, might just get ya throat cut / 你講出來的那些話,小心害你被割喉
This a Makk truck, not a black truck / 這是一輛麥克拖車,不是黑色拖車
When we move, tell 'em "Back up," click c-clack, duck / 我們移動時,叫他們後退,趴噠趴噠嘎拉
Hella bands, pull up, stashed up, super facts up / 大家停車,藏好,好料要爆了
All you bitches Rosa Parks, uh-oh, get your ass up, uh / 所有的婊子,羅莎·帕克斯,給我站起來
Yikes, I play tag and you it for life / 噁心,我玩鬼抓人,你一輩子都扮牠
Yikes, you a clown, you do it for likes / 噁心,你是小丑,你只為了讚數
Yikes, yes, it's tight, but it doesn't bite / 噁心,對啦,它很緊,但是不會咬人
Grip it right, he be like / 抓緊它,他就會
Yikes, what's the hype? This is something light / 噁心,是在大驚小怪什麼? 明明就是小事
Yikes, outta town on consistent flights / 噁心,不在城裡都在搭飛機
Yikes, work hard, this a different white / 噁心,認真苦幹,這是不一樣的白色結晶
Get ya life, you bitches ain't living right / 過自己的生活好嗎,你們根本沒有好好活過
Yea! I keep two nines, yea / 耶我有兩把9mm手槍
You see my face all over that Fendi design, yea / 你看Fendi的設計上面到處都是我
Soon as niggas press you, boy, you throw up peace signs, yea / 人家一進逼你就舉起和平手勢
You don't want that action, pull your cards, you decline, yea / 你不想要這個動作,拿出你的卡,刷不過
Uh I keep two dimes, yea / 啊我還有幾塊錢啦
Walk up to a bad bitch, be like, "I think you fine," yea / 走向前對一個壞婊子說:「我看你過得還不錯」
I don't play with demons, Satan, get thee behind, yea / 我不跟惡魔玩的,撒旦,到後面去坐
'Bout to get fucked up a margarita with two limes, yea / 來杯瑪格麗特放縱一下,加兩顆萊姆
Oouu, I been the same, ain't shit changed, this ain't nothin' new / 我曾經也一樣,根本沒變,又不是新的事
That pretty frame, diamond chain, what the fuck it do? / 那漂亮的框,鑽石鏈,是要銃三小
Yo, clear the way, it's some bad bitches coming thru / 喂,清一下路,有壞婊子要來囉
I give two F's like the letters that are on my shoe / 我給你兩個F,就像我鞋子上印著的字母
Yikes, I play tag and you it for life / 噁心,我玩鬼抓人,你一輩子都扮牠
Yikes, you a clown, you do it for likes / 噁心,你是小丑,你只為了讚數
Yikes, yes, it's tight, but it doesn't bite / 噁心,對啦,它很緊,但是不會咬人
Grip it right, he be like / 抓緊它,他就會
Yikes, what's the hype? This is something light / 噁心,是在大驚小怪什麼? 明明就是小事
Yikes, outta town on consistent flights / 噁心,不在城裡都在搭飛機
Yikes, work hard, this a different white / 噁心,認真苦幹,這是不一樣的白色結晶
Get ya life, you bitches ain't living right / 過自己的生活好嗎,你們根本沒有好好活過
Bag talk, but ain't got no mouth when money / 談錢? 但你根本沒錢是在談三小
Bag talk / 談錢?
It's quiet, ain't no back talk / 很安靜,沒有回嘴
Quiet, ain't no back talk / 安靜,不要回嘴
Rosa Parks 是美國黑人人權運動者,1955年她在阿拉巴馬州的蒙哥馬利(Montgomery)因為拒絕讓座給白人乘客被逮捕,這個事件後來引發抵制公車的民權運動。
two F's 鞋子上的兩個F指的是Fendi,Nicki算是對Fendi情有獨鍾,她在密卡登裡也把Fendi寫進歌詞(This is a Fendi fact)