

很喜歡這首歌大量的雙關 ouo


Big Sean的這首Bounce Back我翻成「捲土重來」,單曲封面上的Take No L's是不會輸的意思,所以整首歌他就一直說在我前面的人不要阻礙我的成就,你們要尊重我的權威(



不過我身為時尚達人,台灣的Kanye West(欸這稱號是褒是貶






Lyrics ▷ 歌詞

Last night took a L, but tonight I bounce back / 昨晚我被擊倒,今晚我又捲土重來
Wake up every morning, by the night, I count stacks /每天早上醒過來,到了晚上我數錢
Knew that ass was real when I hit, it bounce back / 我知道這屁股是真的,我撞它它就彈回來
(You ain’t getting checks) / 你拿不到支票
Last night took a L, but tonight I bounce back / 昨晚我被擊倒,今晚我又捲土重來
Boy, I been broke as hell, cashed a check and bounced back / 老兄,我曾經窮到吃土,簽的支票都跳票
D town LAX, every week I bounce back / 底特律到洛杉磯,每週我去又回來
If you a real one, then you know how to bounce back / 如果你是真英雄你就知道怎麼捲土重來


[Verse 1]
Don’t owe nobody, owe nobody / 別欠人錢 欠人錢
Always on the fuckin' job, I got no hobbies / 做著他媽的工作,甚麼興趣都沒有
Got the city fuckin' with me 'cause I'm homegrown / 我與這座城市站在一起,我在這長大的
Vibin' out more than my phone though / 我放鬆自己,不去理手機的震動
Leave me ‘lone, me on my own though / 不要理我,我要自己一人
Look, I cut that bitch off like a edit / 你看,我斷開與那婊子的牽連,像剪輯一樣
My daddy a G, it's genetics (Straight up) / 我爸混幫派的,這就是基因 (確實)
I heard ya new shit, it's pathetic / 我聽過你的糞作了,可憐啊
Ya contract should be shredded / 你的合約應該要撕碎
Took my dogs on a private jet from the public housing / 把我的狗從公宅帶上私人飛機
I kept it G, yeah, one thousand / 我繼續混幫派,耶,一千人
Clique star-studded like the Paramount mountain / 夥伴們圍在旁邊像派拉蒙的山與星星
Everything I do is righteous / 我做的每件事都是公道的
Betting on me is the right risk / 賭注在我身上是正確的
Even in a fucking crisis / 即使經歷他媽的危機
I’m never on some switching sides shit / 我也不會投資在那個牆頭草上
I switch gears to the night shift / 我改上夜班
Blacking out 'cause I’m enlightened / 關上燈,因為我被照耀著
God talk to me in silence / 上帝靜靜地與我說話
But I hear him every time, mane / 我每次都聽見他的聲音 老兄
(Thank you God, God bless you, thank you so much) / 感謝上帝 上帝祝福你 感謝您


Last night took a L, but tonight I bounce back / 昨晚我被擊倒,今晚我又捲土重來
Wake up every morning, by the night, I count stacks /每天早上醒過來,到了晚上我數錢
Knew that ass was real when I hit, it bounce back / 我知道這屁股是真的,我撞它它就彈回來
(You ain’t getting checks) / 你拿不到支票
Last night took a L, but tonight I bounce back / 昨晚我被擊倒,今晚我又捲土重來
Boy, I been broke as hell, cashed a check and bounced back / 老兄,我曾經窮到吃土,簽的支票都跳票
D town LAX, every week I bounce back / 底特律到洛杉磯,每週我去又回來
If you a real one, then you know how to bounce back / 如果你是真英雄你就知道怎麼捲土重來


[Verse 2]
Look, I woke up in beast mode / 看,我醒來是野獸模式
With my girl, that's beauty and the beast though / 和我的女孩在一起,那樣就是美女與野獸
Been top 5, these niggas sleep though / 我在前五名,這些傢伙輕視我
Only thing that sold out is the seats though / 能賣完的只有演唱會的座位
(Never sold my soul, never will never have) / 不會出賣我的靈魂,過去不曾未來也不會
Nigga how dare you stand before me and not respect my authority / 你們這些在我前面的人怎麼敢不尊重我的權威
If you fuck with my glory, I'ma drop the L and get gory / 若你阻礙我的成就,我會擊倒你、變得血腥
I done did everything except worry / 我不需要做的事就是擔心
Hella drama, my life story / 如此戲劇化,我的日常
Faith of a mustard seed, I kept growing / 我的信心如一粒芥菜種,我不斷成長
I knew that this life was meant for me / 我知道這樣的人生是我該有的
Niggas change up more than wishin' wells / 那些傢伙變得比誰都快
Karma come around I'll wish 'em well / 你們會有報應,我希望你們安好
Livin' like I’m on a limitless pill / 我像吞了藥命效應裡的藥丸
I kill the scene like I’m Denzel / 大開殺戒宛如丹佐華盛頓
Crazy like my jacket strapped up / 我發狂到要被用夾克困住
Nigga, I don’t act but I'll act up / 老兄,我不演戲但我盡情使壞
Brown paper bag like the lunch packed up / 我喝酒,用棕色午餐紙袋包著
Back, back, back, back up / 退退退退後
Nigga, I'ma need like 10 feet / 我要你退後十英呎
Or get stomped out with ten feet / 否則我狠踹你十腳
I'ma always lose my temper / 我總是會暴走
You cannot “count to ten” me / 數到十無法讓我消氣
If I lose 1, I bounce back like 2, 3 did with 4, 5 / 我若輸了,會像喬登從23號變成45號捲土重來
Seen court rooms and court sides, ain’t too many seen both sides / 我見識過大廳堂也看過社會邊緣,沒什麼人兩者都經歷過
Nigga, fuck what you know / 老兄,你知道的是三小
Nigga, I’m takin' back control / 老兄,我要奪回我的掌控權
The underdog just turned into the wolf and the hunger steady grows / 我這隻弱狗已經變成狼,飢渴穩穩增長
Yeah, I call shots while you call off / 耶,當你要把我叫走時我做主
Never takin' summer or fall off / 夏天或秋天我不休息
When you stay that committed to it, you just fall down and never fall off, so / 當你堅持下去,即使你會跌倒,但不會喪志


Last night took a L, but tonight I bounce back / 昨晚我被擊倒,今晚我又捲土重來
Wake up every morning, by the night, I count stacks /每天早上醒過來,到了晚上我數錢
Knew that ass was real when I hit, it bounce back / 我知道這屁股是真的,我撞它它就彈回來
(You ain’t getting checks) / 你拿不到支票
Last night took a L, but tonight I bounce back / 昨晚我被擊倒,今晚我又捲土重來
Boy, I been broke as hell, cashed a check and bounced back / 老兄,我曾經窮到吃土,簽的支票都跳票
D town LAX, every week I bounce back / 底特律到洛杉磯,每週我去又回來
If you a real one, then you know how to bounce back / 如果你是真英雄你就知道怎麼捲土重來


[Kanye West & Big Sean]
Bounce back, bounce, bounce / 捲土重來 捲土 捲土
Bounce back, bounce, bounce / 捲土重來 捲土 捲土
Bounce, bounce, bitch, bounce (Yeah) / 捲土 捲土 賤貨 捲土 (耶)
Is you a real one? / 你是真英雄嗎
Is you a real one? / 你是真英雄嗎
Real one / 真英雄
Real one / 真英雄
Is you a real one? / 你是真英雄嗎
Real one / 真英雄
Real one / 真英雄
Don / 唐



take a L 指的是take a loss,意思是失敗、被擊倒

stack 原意是一疊,可以當量詞使用。在這裡借代為鈔票

D town Big Sean的故鄉及早期根據地底特律的暱稱

LAX 洛杉磯國際機場的代碼,被廣泛作為該處的簡稱。2007年Kanye West簽下Big Sean後,他到洛杉磯發展他的演藝事業

vibin' vibrating(震動)的簡寫,也有放鬆、不做任何事的意思。義同chill, chillax

G gangsta(幫派份子)的簡寫,也可解釋為grand,俚語是1000元的意思

Paramount 指派拉蒙電影公司,它的logo是群星圍繞著一座山

sleep (on) 輕視、忽略、忘記

drop the L 意思同drop the loss,指我把你擊敗,同時也說glory去掉一個L變成gory

faith of a mustard seed 典故出自馬太福音17:20。耶穌說:「因為你們的信心太小了。我實在的告訴你們,如果你們有像一粒芥菜種一樣大的信心,即便對這座山說:『從這裡移到那裡』它也會移動。沒有什麼是不可能的事。」

change up more than wishin' wells 有些人變得很快,作此解時change指「變」,而這些change比許願井的還多,這裡要看成「零錢」的意思

limitless 電影藥命效應(台) / 逆天潛能(港)

Denzel 知名動作片影星Denzel Washington,演過Fences, The Equalizer等知名電影

brown paper bag 常常有人喝酒用棕色午餐紙袋包起來,看起來江湖感++ (中二感也++(X

If I lose 1, I bounce back like 2, 3 did with 4, 5這句 字面上是我少數了一,數到45的時候又跳回23(這人智力有缺陷(X 籃球員喬丹原本背號23,1993宣布退休之後,1995年又復出,此時換上背號45號的背心

Don Big Sean的小名Sean Don



翻譯/文章 by 果凍


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