





歌詞 Lyrics


[Chorus: Ed Sheeran]
I've been a liar, been a thief / 我曾經是一個騙子,一個小偷
Been a lover, been a cheat / 一個愛人,一個背叛者
All my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me / 我犯的罪孽需要聖水沖洗乾淨
Well, little one, I don't want to admit to something / 小東西,我不想承認某些事情
If all it's gonna cause is pain / 如果痛苦是唯一造成的結果
Truth and my lies right now are falling like the rain / 真實與謊言正在像雨水般降落
So let the river run / 那就讓河水流過吧


[Verse 1]
He's comin' home with his neck scratched, to catch flack / 他帶著有抓痕的脖子回家討罵
Sweat jackets and dress slacks, mismatched / 運動夾克,和休閒西褲不搭
On his breath's Jack, he's a sex addict / 呼出傑克丹尼爾的氣息,他性愛成癮
And she just wants to exact revenge and get back / 她只想著報復,為自己討回公道
It's a chess match, she's on his back like a jet-pack / 這是一局棋,她在背後觀察他,像個噴射背包
She's kept track of all his Internet chats / 她追蹤他所有網路上的聊天訊息
And guess who just happens to be movin' on to the next / 猜誰恰好會成為下一個
Actually, just shit on my last chick and she has what my ex lacks / 其實我剛甩了我前女友,她有著我前任缺乏的
'Cause she loves danger, psychopath / 因為她喜愛危險,她是瘋子
And you don't fuck with no man's girl, even I know that / 你不和男人亂搞的,這我也知道
But she's devised some plan to stab him in the back / 但她精心策畫著要在背後捅他一刀
Knife in hand, says their relationship's hangin' by a strand / 刀子在手上,說著他們的感情已經命危
So she's been on the web lately / 她最近也在網路上潛水
Says maybe she'll be my Gwen Stacy, to spite her man / 說她也許是關史黛西,要激怒她的男人
And I know she's using me to try to play him, I don't care / 我知道她利用我和她對峙,我不在乎
Hi Suzanne, but I shoulda said "Bye Suzanne" / 嗨蘇珊,但我應該說掰蘇珊的
After the first night, but tonight I am / 在第一夜之後,但今晚


[Chorus: Ed Sheeran]
I've been a liar, been a thief / 我曾經是一個騙子,一個小偷
Been a lover, been a cheat / 一個愛人,一個背叛者
All my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me / 我犯的罪孽需要聖水沖洗乾淨
Well, little one, I don't want to admit to something / 小東西,我不想承認某些事情
If all it's gonna cause is pain / 如果痛苦是唯一造成的結果
Truth and my lies right now are falling like the rain / 真實與謊言正在像雨水般降落
So let the river run / 那就讓河水流過吧


One-night stand, turned to a two-night stand / 一夜情變成了二夜情
It was "come sunlight, scram," now we hug tight, and... / 本來天亮就該走人了,現在我們卻緊抱著...


[Verse 2]
He found out, now she feels deserted and used / 他發現了,現在她感到被拋棄被利用
'Cause he left, so what? He did it first to her too / 因為她走了,但又怎樣? 他先對妳不忠的
Now how am I supposed to tell this girl that we're through? / 現在我該怎麼告訴這女孩一切都過去了?
It's hard to find the words, I'm aloof, nervous, and Sue / 很難找到適當的話說,我冷漠,然後緊張
Don't want this to hurt, but what you deserve is the truth / 不想造成傷害,但妳應當得知事實
Don't take it personal, I just can't say this in person to you / 別太在意,我就是無法當面跟妳說出口
So I revert to the studio, like hole-in-the-wall diners / 所以我回到了我的公寓,像個簡陋的小餐館
Don't have to be reserved in a booth / 不需要讓自己當一個備胎
I just feel like the person who I'm turning into's irreversible / 我覺得我正在變成一個無法改變的人
I preyed on you like it's church at the pew / 我捕獲妳如同我在教堂的長椅上祈禱
And now that I got you I don't want you / 既然我得到妳了我就不想要妳了
Took advantage in my thirst to pursue / 我一時飢渴占了妳便宜
Why do I do this dirt that I do? / 我為什麼要蹚這個渾水
Get on my soapbox and preach, my sermon and speech / 站上我的講台講著我的道
Detergent and bleach is burnin' the wound / 洗滌與淨化燃燒著傷口
'Cause now with her in the womb / 因為現在子宮裡有了她
We can't bring her in this world, shoulda knew / 我們不能讓她來到這世界,早該知道
To use protection 'fore I bit into your forbidden fruit / 在咬下禁果前應該做好防護的
Fuck! / 幹


[Chorus: Ed Sheeran]
I've been a liar, been a thief / 我曾經是一個騙子,一個小偷
Been a lover, been a cheat / 一個愛人,一個背叛者
All my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me / 我犯的罪孽需要聖水沖洗乾淨
Well, little one, I don't want to admit to something / 小東西,我不想承認某些事情
If all it's gonna cause is pain / 如果痛苦是唯一造成的結果
Truth and my lies right now are falling like the rain / 真實與謊言正在像雨水般降落
So let the river run / 那就讓河水流過吧


[Bridge: Eminem & Ed Sheeran]
My name's (ooh), my name's (ooh) / 我的名字是...我的名字是...
River (ooh), river run / 河水流吧
Call me (ooh), call me (ooh) / 叫我...叫我...
River (ooh), we'll let the river run / 河水,我們讓河水流


[Verse 3]
Always the bridesmaid, never "The bride, hey!" / 永遠都是配角,當不成主角
Fuck can I say? If life was a highway / 我能說什麼? 如果人生就像高速公路
And deceit was an enclave, I'd be swerving in five lanes / 欺瞞是一塊飛地,我會轉進五條小道
Speeds at a high rate, like I'm slidin' on ice, maybe / 以高速行駛,就像在冰上滑行,或許吧
That's why I may have came at you sideways / 這就是為什麼我會駛進妳的岔路
I can't keep my lies straight / 我不能向妳坦白我的謊言
But I made you terminate my baby / 但我要妳終結我們的孩子
This love triangle left us in a wreck, tangled / 這個愛情三角只留給我們殘骸,糾結著
What else can I say? It was fun for a while / 我還能說什麼? 只是一時好玩
Bet I really woulda loved your smile / 我想我會愛著妳的笑容的
Didn't really wanna abort, but fuck it / 不是真的想墮胎但不管了
What's one more lie, to tell our unborn child? / 還有什麼謊言要告訴我們未誕生的小孩


[Chorus: Ed Sheeran]
I've been a liar, been a thief / 我曾經是一個騙子,一個小偷
Been a lover, been a cheat / 一個愛人,一個背叛者
All my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me / 我犯的罪孽需要聖水沖洗乾淨
Well, little one (I'm sorry) / 小東西 (對不起)
I don't want to admit to something (I fucked up) / 我不想承認某些事情 (我搞砸了)
If all it's gonna cause is pain / 如果痛苦是唯一造成的結果
Truth and my lies right now are falling like the rain / 真實與謊言正在像雨水般降落
So let the river run / 那就讓河水流過吧





 ✰ Jelly's Murmur ✰ 

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